Friday, August 24, 2012

Dog Days of Summer: Part Five

Because my IT staff is too lazy busy to post these individually . . . 

Day 18 - Favorite Human Snack: my daddy!

Day 19 - Trying to Keep Cool

Day 20 - Paws

Day 21 - In the car (getting a smooch from one of my
absolute favorite humans, Hero's mum Caro)

Day 22 - Begging (like I have to beg)

Day 23 - Tail & Booty

Day 24 - Hanging Out

Day 24 - Hanging Out on Uncle Randy's dock

My IT staff figured out how to put a link to my Instagram posts on this blog, so if you don't do Instagram, you can still view my Instagram photo posts on Webstagram by clicking on them in "Garth Riley on Instagram" in the column to the right.  I'm a multi-media pup!  We're still afraid to Tweet, however. 


  1. We are way behind on those! Great photos!


  2. Great pics, Garth! Have a wonderful weekend. XOXO

  3. No need to be afraid to tweet! So so easy. I love your favorite human snack. My peeps taste pretty good too! Have a good weekend!

  4. What beautiful paws you have and also a nice butt and tail. You are a very handsome dude and I like how you keep cool.

    Loveys Sasha

  5. Have a lovely Saturday and stay cool Garth.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Garth! You do therapy ball the same way I do. Much more soothing than the mental fits way PeeWee does it.


  7. Hey! Your IT staff is doing a great job! Look at how lousy ours is..the only time we get Instagrammed is when one of the sissies are in town!

    gussie boy and teka toy
