Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday Silliness!

Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm about this contest!  And thanks for sharing the contest info on your own blogs!  I've made a bunch of new friends and learned more about old friends.  I've even made friends with some kitties!!!

I've gotten more entries in the Pure Silliness category, and the entries keep coming!  Here are the new entries:


Gracie (Asta Kroon's sister)
Goodness Gracie

Kanga and Hatfield
Kanga went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2011, Hatfield is 13
They live in North Carolina, USA with their brother Reuben
Floppy Tongue Joy - Reuben's dogblog



Tamir, Trooper, and Allie live in Florida, USA
Their blog is Friends FurEver

Arie, a 10 year old British shorthair, and
brother of Dirk, who is also a contestant.

They live in the Netherlands!
Their mom's blog is
Quilts, Cats and Automobiles

Bram is another of Arie and Dirk's brothers.
He says he isn't silly at all.

This is Cees, another brother of Arie, 
Dirk and Bram, with Dirk in a headlock.
I think he won this round.


Sasha is a 7 year old shih tzu from Michigan, USA
Silly Sasha the Lovable Shih Tzu

Moose, a 10 year old Labrador from Florida, USA
SouthernMost Moose Lodge

Casey, a Boxer Ambassador from Texas, USA
The Legacy Chronicles

Bailey is a 4 year old lab/border collie mix from Illinois, USA
(and no, he is NOT my love child with Willow)

Molly, a 4 month old Airedale Terrier puppy
from Connecticut, USA
Mitch and Molly

Milo is a 5 year old Pembrooke Welsh Corgi from Illinois, USA
He is Bailey's brother

I've also received one entry in the Technologically Enhanced Silliness category:

Smudge does not have his own blog,
but from time to time, he appears on his sister's blog
Mayzie's Dog Blog

I'm really enjoying finding my email box filled with silly photos of kitties and woofies.  My staff is finding it a bit challenging to keep track of everyone.  So please forgive us and let us know if there are any errors in the information or links.  

The contest deadline is July 6, so there's still plenty of time to enter.    See my previous post for contest information.


  1. Those are some great silly photos!!

  2. We've been looking back at all of the silly photos and there sure are some doozies, Garth!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  3. Great entries! We have to have Mom find us one to enter. Happy Sunday, furriends.

  4. Kittens are SO silly!

    -Bart and Ruby

  5. Yum!

    I'm all fur a khytty in evFURRY pot!

    Just sayin'

    PeeEssWoo: What great pikhs - I'm so NOT silly enough - but it is the thought that khounts, khorrekht?

  6. Hah, there I am! You have no idea how hard it was for me to find a silly picture. I'm always serious and dignified in my pix. I was afraid I'd have to limit myself to the technologically enhanced version.

  7. Those are pawsome!! Thank you for putting mine on there. They are all so much fun. Gracie the cat is kind of scary silly and Trooper is so funny. I love them all.

    Loveys Sasha

  8. Brilliant you gave us a real smile this morning. Sorry did not enter as camera is on holiday in Ireland at the moment. Have a happy Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Hey Garth!
    Wow, what a funny collection of pix! I'm getting a huge chuckle out of these. BWAR HAR HAR to Trooper and Allie!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  10. fun, fun, fun,...ha, sending one of my "silly cat" sister. thanks for this great contest-

  11. There's a lot of silliness here in Florida!!

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi
